
海参百科 > 特产美食问答 > 中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达
中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达



  1. 全国各地名吃特产-中英文对照
  2. 家乡的特产英文介绍作文怎么写作文
  3. 中国的美食有哪些用英文讲。


1、湖南臭豆腐 Hunan flavor stinky tofu(smelly tofu)

2、煎饼果子 battercake with soy paste

中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达

3、南京盐水鸭 Nanjing flavor Salty Duck

4、北京烤鸭 Beijing flavor roast duck

5、香妃鸡 Steamed chicken with saltedsauce

6、广东叉烧包 Guangdong Steamed Bun with BBQ Pork

7、八宝饭“Eight-treasures”rice pudding

8、潮州烧雁鹅 Roast goose,Chaozhou style

中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达

9、潮州炒粉 Fried rice noodles,Chaozhou Special

10、潮州卤鹅 Spiced goose,Chaozhou style

11、潮州小米 Meatballs,Chao choustyle

12、潮州伊面 Fried noodles,Chaozhou style

13、潮州鱼粥 Fish congee,Chaozhou special

14、潮州炸鹅 Fried goose,Chaozhoou special

15、炒三不沾 Sauted three“non-Stick”(not stick chopsticks,plate and teeth)

中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达

16、四川担担面 Dan dan noodles,Sichuan style

17、meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings包子

18、sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce担担面

19、noodles with soybean paste炸酱面

20、彰化肉圆 tainan steamed meat ball

21、台南碗粿 tainan glutinous rice with mean in bowl

22、台南烧肉粽 tainan glutinous rice wrapped with bamboo leaves

23、台南筒仔糕 tainan rice cake cooked in barrel

中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达

24、台南炸豆腐 tainan deep fried to-fu

25、台南鸡卷 tainan deep fried ground pork onion roll

26、台南臭豆腐 tainan deep fried stinky tofu

27、台南猪血糕 tainan rice cake steamed with pork blood

28、台南糯米大肠 tainan sweet rice stuffed in pork chitterling

29、台南甜不辣 tainan fried tempura

中国的特产有哪些英文 特产的英语表达

30、台南黑轮 tainan tempura combination

31、台南蚵仔煎 tainan oyster pan cake

32、台南虾仁煎 tainan shrimp pan cake

33、盐酥鸡"house special" fried spicy chicken breast

34、台南招牌肉饼 tainan house special"tainan" meat cake

35、台南煎萝卜糕 tainan pan fried daikon cake

36、炸鸡腿 deep fried chicken drumstick



最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>原发布者:朱悦华166 2.介绍家乡GreatChangesinMyHometownMorethanentyyearsago,myhometownwasjusta*** all,oldandpoortown.Mostofpeoplewerefarmers.Therewerefewfactories.Thepeopledidn'thaveenoughfoodtoeatandworeoldclothes.Theyhadahardlife.Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthepastentyyears.Thepeoplehavefoundalotofwaysofmakingmoney.Nowtherearemanytallbuildingswhichareverybeautiful.Roadsarewideandclean.Peoplecantakebusesordrivetheirowncarstogotowork.Manypeoplehavecellphonesandpersonalputers.People'slivingconditionshaveimprovedalot.Thankstothegovernment'sefforts,myhometowni*** eingmoreandmorebeautiful.一年之“绩”在于春!下学期如何达到高效冲刺?点评回复使用道具评分举报teresayang11主题23好友333积分初中二年级我叫杨平,只是爱英语~帖子333积分333e度金币3199注册时间2013-3-4串个门关注发消息122#发表于2013-4-1009:19|只看该作者3.介绍城市:WeletoHeyuanLadiesandgentlemen,WeletoHeyuan,nowletmeintroduceourcity--Heyuantoyou.Heyuanisacitywithalonghistory.ItisinthenortheastofGuangdongand198kilometresawayfromGuangzhou.Ithasapopulationof3,240,000.Therearema。

最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>原发布者:朱悦华166 2.介绍家乡GreatChangesinMyHometownMorethanentyyearsago,myhometownwasjusta*** all,oldandpoortown.Mostofpeoplewerefarmers.Therewerefewfactories.Thepeopledidn'thaveenoughfoodtoeatandworeoldclothes.Theyhadahardlife.Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthepastentyyears.Thepeoplehavefoundalotofwaysofmakingmoney.Nowtherearemanytallbuildingswhichareverybeautiful.Roadsarewideandclean.Peoplecantakebusesordrivetheirowncarstogotowork.Manypeoplehavecellphonesandpersonalputers.People'slivingconditionshaveimprovedalot.Thankstothegovernment'sefforts,myhometowni*** eingmoreandmorebeautiful.一年之“绩”在于春!下学期如何达到高效冲刺?点评回复使用道具评分举报teresayang11主题23好友333积分初中二年级我叫杨平,只是爱英语~帖子333积分333e度金币3199注册时间2013-3-4串个门关注发消息122#发表于2013-4-1009:19|只看该作者3.介绍城市:WeletoHeyuanLadiesandgentlemen,WeletoHeyuan,nowletmeintroduceourcity--Heyuantoyou.Heyuanisacitywithalonghistory.ItisinthenortheastofGuangdongand198kilometresawayfromGuangzhou.Ithasapopulationof3,240,000.Therearema。

As a city famed through the ages for its silk embroidery, Suzhou is one of the best places to pick up silk handicrafts. Shopping is good along Shi Quan Street, especially for many souvenirs. Besides, tea is another speciality worthy of mention, the most famous locally-produced green tea is called'Biluochun' and is quite nice indeed. Large shops with endless varieties of tea can be found all around the city, and some have seating where you will be encouraged to e sit and try a pot. Snuff bottles are also a long-standing Suzhou craft that remains popular today. Tiny glass bottles are delicately painted on the inside with elaborate and beautiful pictures. The best ones are truly incredible works of art.


2.介绍家乡GreatChangesinMyHometownMorethanentyyearsago,myhometownwasjusta*** all,oldandpoortown.Mostofpeoplewerefarmers.Therewerefewfactories.Thepeopledidn'thaveenoughfoodtoeatandworeoldclothes.Theyhadahardlife.Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthepastentyyears.Thepeoplehavefoundalotofwaysofmakingmoney.Nowtherearemanytallbuildingswhichareverybeautiful.Roadsarewideandclean.Peoplecantakebusesordrivetheirowncarstogotowork.Manypeoplehavecellphonesandpersonalputers.People'slivingconditionshaveimprovedalot.Thankstothegovernment'sefforts,myhometowni*** eingmoreandmorebeautiful.一年之“绩”在于春!下学期如何达到高效冲刺?点评回复使用道具评分举报teresayang11主题23好友333积分初中二年级我叫杨平,只是爱英语~帖子333积分333e度金币3199注册时间2013-3-4串个门关注发消息122#发表于2013-4-1009:19|只看该作者3.介绍城市:WeletoHeyuanLadiesandgentlemen,WeletoHeyuan,nowletmeintroduceourcity--Heyuantoyou.Heyuanisacitywithalonghistory.ItisinthenortheastofGuangdongand198kilometresawayfromGuangzhou.Ithasapopulationof3,240,000.Therearema

As a city famed through the ages for its silk embroidery, Suzhou is one of the best places to pick up silk handicrafts. Shopping is good along Shi Quan Street, especially for many souvenirs. Besides, tea is another speciality worthy of mention, the most famous locally-produced green tea is called'Biluochun' and is quite nice indeed. Large shops with endless varieties of tea can be found all around the city, and some have seating where you will be encouraged to e sit and try a pot. Snuff bottles are also a long-standing Suzhou craft that remains popular today. Tiny glass bottles are delicately painted on the inside with elaborate and beautiful pictures. The best ones are truly incredible works of art.


I live in a place called Changxing now. It is my hometown. It is a big town about enty kilometres away from the city of Huzhou. My hometown is very beautiful.You can often hear birds singsing and sheep bleating. The sky is very blue and the water is very clean. There are many people in my hometown.They are all friendly to others. we all help each other. I like my hometown very much.。

My Hometown I live in a place called Changxing now. It is my hometown. It is a big town about enty kilometres away from the city of Huzhou. My hometown is very beautiful.You can often hear birds singsing and sheep bleating. The sky is very blue and the water is very clean. There are many people in my hometown.They are all friendly to others. we all help each other. I like my hometown very much.。

My hometown is known for pancakes. They are widely popular now. I like eating them very much. They*** ell nice and taste delicious. They are made of wheat. Some are made of corn. After the wheat is harvested, it is sent to the flour factory and processed into flour. Then the flour is processed into pancakes with a pan at a very right heat. At last the pancakes are packed with plastic bags and sold in stores and supermarkets. Pancakes have helped the soldiers to win the war in the old days. They are brought to other countries now. they are also given to friends as gifts. I wish the pancakes are being more and more popular。

Beijing, the capital of China,is a very beautiful and important city,which is one of the ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so on.

Beijing is also the centre of politics,economy and culture of our country. Owing to the open-door policy,great changes have taken place since 1978. Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere. Peole's living condition is getting better and better. Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. I'm sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few years. I love Beijing




1、重庆火锅,chongqing hot pot





3、南京板鸭,Nanjing Steamed Roast Duck





5、北京烤鸭,Beijing Roast Duck




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